Lucy Aharish

Arab Israeli Journalist and News anchor

In her lecture, she will tell about her dealings with being a woman, independent, Muslim, Israeli, from Dimona, alongside her professional fulfillment as a journalist and news anchor in one of the main battle zones in the Middle East. What happened in the attempted attack in Gaza that she and her family passed through the checkpoints back to Israel at the age of 5; Why did you hesitate 27 years later, whether to accept the honor of lighting a torch on Israel's 67th Independence Day; what is it like to celebrate Jewish holidays alongside Muslim holidays; What does it mean to be an independent woman in the Arab Israeli public; How can you maintain neutrality as a journalist when you are under fire from all sides all the time; And is there a solution to the fast track of killing that is gaining momentum in the Middle East and the world.
לוסי אהריש צילום רונן-פדידה
לוסי אהריש צילום רונן-פדידה

Lucy Aharish

Arab Israeli Journalist and News anchor

In her lecture, she will tell about her dealings with being a woman, independent, Muslim, Israeli, from Dimona, alongside her professional fulfillment as a journalist and news anchor in one of the main battle zones in the Middle East. What happened in the attempted attack in Gaza that she and her family passed through the checkpoints back to Israel at the age of 5; Why did you hesitate 27 years later, whether to accept the honor of lighting a torch on Israel's 67th Independence Day; what is it like to celebrate Jewish holidays alongside Muslim holidays; What does it mean to be an independent woman in the Arab Israeli public; How can you maintain neutrality as a journalist when you are under fire from all sides all the time; And is there a solution to the fast track of killing that is gaining momentum in the Middle East and the world.
Hebrew, English, Arabic *picture taken by Ronen Fadida


Israeli-Palestinian conflict

הזמן הרצאה

מרצים נוספים

רועי שרון

פרשן צבאי, כאן 11

Lucy Aharish

Arab Israeli Journalist and News anchor

ג׳ונתן אלחורי מרצה גאה

Jonathan Elkhoury

Lebanese, public diplomacy adviser in Israell

Prof. David Passig

Israeli famous futurist

הזמן הרצאה

בשליחת הודעה זו אני מאשר/ת להלו- המרכז למרצים וסדנאות לשלוח אליי הצעות רלוונטיות בתחום המרצים והסדנאות

איך אפשר לעזור?

בשליחת הודעה זו אני מאשר/ת להלו- המרכז למרצים וסדנאות לשלוח אליי הצעות רלוונטיות בתחום המרצים והסדנאות

דילוג לתוכן